Picture the display which is installed on all recent production cars. The fact of being aware in real time that pushing on the accelerator determines a certain consumption, persuades us to practice a more regular style of driving, which allows us to travel a higher distance with the same amount of fuel. Many researches carried out by car manufacturers confirm that having the onboard computer installed, persuades the driver to have a virtuous behaviour, which leads to a lower consumption.
Similarly, our multimedia devices by elaborating and interpreting a quantitative series of information based on execution activity, allow us to estimate the battery duration or the resources employment carried out by the processor, leading us to disable some functions which result unnecessary. What is happening? It is very simple, we are saving energy.
As you can see, many of the devices which we use on a daily basis, have supervision software, which influence our behaviour in a positive way.
SMARTCIM, the cooling and heating management system conceived by Cimberio, behaves in a very similar way to a virtuous citizen, who pays attention to the consumptions and to environmental protection.
This is what inspired Cimberio technicians; SMARTCIM project will effectively create a cooling and heating management system, which will behave in a very similar way to a virtuous citizen, who pays attention to the consumptions and to environmental protection.
Thanks to constant monitoring a series of useful data, the system will be therefore able to intervene immediately on the regulation of thermal systems of existing or new buildings, thus obtaining remarkable savings on the use of energetic resources.
To limit the consumptions of a very precious necessity like energy, by modulating and optimising efficiently the distribution of the heating fluid, is equivalent to reduce climate changing gas emissions in the atmosphere, therefore protecting the environment from the effects caused by the increase of the average earth temperatures. But not only: because all this can easily be translated in an economical saving for the users.
Monitor to improve is the title of a book by Agenzia CasaClima Bolzano, influential scientific training body for topics regarding energetic efficiency in the construction industry; the text teaches us how to limit energetic waste in our homes, making us aware of our choices based on the gathered data.
Monitor to improve is the perfect description of the innovative idea which stands at the bottom of SMARTCIM: the monitoring activity in fact informs the system and allows interventions which can minimize waste without giving up on the desired thermal comfort.