First of all it must be told that SMARTCIM is an integrated system, one of a kind worldwide, dedicated to monitoring the consumptions and regulation of plants which distribute heat and cool air in medium and large buildings.
Lord Kelvin, the British physicist, who in the nineteenth century developed the temperature measurement with his name, loved repeating “if you can not measure it, you can not improve it”. We could easily interpret his thought in: “consumption monitoring enables energy saving”.
Let’s think about apartment buildings which use a general generator, public and prive office buildings, schools, universities, hospitals, hotels, commercial centers and sport centers.
In these realities thanks to SMARTCIM it is possible to verify, by using a simple software, possible anomalies on the system and improve unexpected and unwanted consumptions.
The revolutionary project is in fact able to modulate with precision cold and hot energetically fluxes, addressing them directly where they are actually needed, This is how managing expenses of the buildings are cut down, and as a consequence there is a decrease in the emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere. Also the European Commission has acknowledged the validity of such innovations, and it has contributed to the project with a substantial funding by means of the Horizon 2020 program.
The results of the tests which have been carried out encourage to confirm that by installing SMARTCIM there will be high saving margins, up to 40% on particularly energy wasting buildings. Up to now such results on limiting the consumptions on existing buildings can only take place through copious investments of time and money which need numerous thermal isolating works of the buildings.
Thanks to SMARTCIM it is possible to communicate via web with the systems and to make them more efficient, with its electronic sensor network, it is easily integrated in the present components. Substantially it is possible to convert to the present energetic standards the systems present in the buildings, making them intelligent without having to substitute them.
The detailed monitoring of the energetic performances carried out by SMARTCIM, makes the user more aware of the use of the necessary resources to guarantee thermal comfort, stimulating him to a more virtuous behavior. Furthermore this Energy Information System, favors the evaluation of further profitable action addressed to energy saving.
To adopt SMARTCIM, a fundamental instrument for the energetic management of a building requires a modest and quickly repayable investment thanks to the economical saving which derives from it. In some countries, for example Italy, there is also a fiscal help, carefully studied for the building automation systems, which consists in the deduction of a good parte of the sustained expenses.
The installation of SMARTCIM is therefore translated in a copious saving in the bill, without forgetting the helping hand we give to the environment because the cleanest energy is the one which is not used.